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Legal Notice


Site name:
Director of publication: Mme Delange Améline

Address: 11bis rue martin de tours, 45330 Nangeville

Phone: 0672404306

Siret 83926209400015

Ape: 8690F / 9604Z

Legal form: Micro-enterprise

VAT: Not subject

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


CNPM member n ° 6366

“In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the Consumer Code, we offer a consumer mediation system. The mediation entity chosen is: CNPM - MEDIATION DE LA CONSOMMATION. In the event of a dispute, you can file your complaint on its site: or by post by writing to CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27 avenue de la Liberation - 42400 Saint-Chamond »

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  • Telephone: +1 415-639-9034.

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